CANADIAN INTERNATIONAL  ACCREDITATION SERVICES – BUREAU OF ACCREDITED REGISTRAR (CIAS-BAR) helps markets work better by providing internationally recognized accreditation services that create economic benefit.
Accreditation has many flow-on benefits throughout the market chain for business, regulators and government by:

  • reducing compliance and transaction costs,
  • reducing risk,
  • streamlining operations,
  • breaking down barriers to trade, which provides greater access to foreign markets; and
  • providing assurance that goods and services sold are safe and can be used for their intended purpose.

These strengthen national, Trans-Tasman and international trade and commerce.
Accreditation adds value to the ever growing and increasingly complicated market chain in many ways, including by providing a symbol of assurance that certifiers and inspectors are independent and competent to perform their duties.
Accredited certification and inspection of products, processes and people—called conformity assessment—has a ripple effect through the market chain, right to the consumer. It gives consumers confidence that their purchases meet specified standards and are quality assured. This includes retailers, wholesalers and individual consumers.

  • business process and innovation
  • health and human services
  • product certification
  • food and biological systems
  • environment.

Accreditation is a symbol of assurance—a valuable asset in itself. The CIAS-BAR symbol is a mark of quality and reliability. It flags that a certifier or inspector can be counted on to impartially determine if organizations, products and people conform to specified requirements. This gives certifiers, inspectors and their client organizations a competitive edge.


The Quality Policy of CIAS-BAR has the objective of increasing the satisfaction of all the interested parties, directly or indirectly (stakeholders), in accreditation activities.
In order to achieve organizational quality policy, CIAS-BAR has defined specific objectives:

  • safeguard the value and credibility of certifications issued under accreditation by means of stringent controls of the modalities for the granting and maintaining of certification, promoting at the same time the cultural growth of certified bodies;
  • monitor the needs, expectations and satisfaction of conformity assessment operators and of all the interested parties;
  • strengthen surveillance activities with regard to the work of conformity assessment operators, controlling respect for requirements, the maintenance and improvement of competences and conformity with ethical principles, monitoring especially market data and feedback (requests for clarification, complaints etc.);
  • favor the creation and maintenance of trust on the part of clients in the activities of the organizers of accredited inter-laboratory testing schemes as well as the impartiality and integrity of technical and commercial operations related to them;


Vision: Our Accreditation – Global Recognition.
Mission: to provide credible standardization and accreditation services to enhance economic, social and environmental well-being.

All audit activities are conducted with maximum adherence to the principles of ethics and professional duties, and they follow shared and well- established procedures whereby unclear interpretations of the requirements of standards are reduced.
All stakeholders reflect a balanced representation of the main institutional, scientific, technical, economic and social subjects who have direct or indirect interest in the activities of accreditation and certification.
CIAS-BAR’s rules, which conform to the applicable international standards and guides, are under continuous review by means of mechanisms based on consent and with the use of working groups in which all interested subjects may participate.
Accreditation is granted with the assurance that the conformity assessment process is entirely free of undue influence. The independence of every member of an audit team is thoroughly checked.
CIAS-BAR's technical officers and assessors receive adequate professional training and refresh/updating so as to guarantee at all times a high level of performance, including through the maintenance and enhancement of their qualifications.
Market awareness
CIAS-BAR is involved in the research and development of new accreditation schemes and in drawing up and reviewing guidelines for the harmonized evaluation of reference standards in order to meet the growing and diverse demands of global socio-economic situation.


CIAS-BAR Logo captures the essence of the best of CANADA by incorporating elements of the CANADA  flags into its symbol.

For guidelines on how to use CIAS-BAR logo, please click here


CIAS-BAR is hiring experienced Auditors, Operations Personnel and Customer Relationship Managers. Please forward your profiles to contact@cias-bar.ca to get more details on current vacancies with CIAS-BAR.