"Accreditation refers to third-party attestation related to a conformity assessment body conveying formal demonstration of its competence to carry out specific conformity assessment tasks"
Accreditation as defined in ISO/IEC 17011
Accreditation means the formal recognition of the technical and organizational competence of an authority to execute a specific service as described in the scope of accreditation. Competence is the key to transparency, confidence and comparability.
Accreditation is a confidence-building measure, which allows authorities, economy and society to judge, if testing, inspection or certification bodies (conformity assessment bodies) fulfill specific tasks with the demanded high reliability.
Accreditation by CIAS-BAR is in accordance to the international conformity assessment standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Accreditations offer many benefits:
For companies
For accredited bodies
For consumers
For legislators
A conformity assessment body (CAB) that is CIAS-BAR accredited carries one of the CIAS-BAR accreditation marks. Endorsed reports or accredited certificates carry the CIAS-BAR mark, along with the accreditation number.
Accreditation is granted for a specific scope of activities, and not for all activities undertaken by the CABs. Therefore, it is important to take note that accredited CABs are only allowed to issue endorsed reports for tests, calibrations/inspections or accredited certificates within the scope of accreditation.
Using CIAS-BAR accredited CABs offers multiple benefits for companies. Besides providing a marketing opportunity, it also boosts the company’s image – having been tried and certified by reliable CABs, the company’s products and services are endorsed with the highest assurance. This, in turn, instills confidence in the company’s customers and stakeholders alike.
CIAS-BAR’s extensive network of CABs across the world provide international recognition, so companies can also avoid costly retesting, re-inspection or recertification for overseas market access.
How does my organization become accredited?
CIAS-BAR has detailed the accreditation process on this site – which outlines each stage from enquiry right up to the award of accreditation and maintenance thereafter.
What are the fees involved to become accredited?
CIAS-BAR charges fees for the operation of all its schemes. Fees are set annually and are subject to a yearly review. The fee details can be got by sending a request on
How long does it take to become accredited?
CIAS-BAR Accreditation process can take up to 6 months to complete, from receipt of application to award of accreditation.
What documents and forms do I need to fill in to become accredited?
All applicants are required to fill in the relevant application form. CIAS-BAR provides guidance, policy and mandatory documents which should be read in conjunction with your application all documents and forms are available on the CIAS-BAR Website.
If there is only 1 person employed in the laboratory, can my org still be accredited? Or does there have to be a minimum amount of employees etc.?
Accreditation is awarded to an organization based on its ability to demonstrate that it is competent and impartial when complying with the relevant international standards. There is no minimum requirement.
Do CIAS-BAR provide Consultancy on the implementation of quality management systems or technical issues?
CIAS-BAR does not provide any consultancy service.
What is the difference between accreditation and certification?
Certification is the process whereby a system, product or process is confirmed, through audit, to meet specific requirements. Accreditation is the third part confirmation of an organization’s competence and integrity to perform testing, calibration, inspection and certification services.
How do I check to see if an organization is accredited by CIAS-BAR?
CIAS-BAR has a Directory of Accredited Bodies publically available on our website. Each organization is listed with details on its scope of accreditation, location, contact details etc.
Can I purchase a standard from INAB? Where do I go to purchase a standard?
CIAS-BAR does not sell standards. Standards are available from or
How can I check if an accredited organization is accredited for the scope of activity I need?
Log onto the CIAS-BAR website, and search the Directory of Accredited Bodies for your organization.
If an organization has resigned/withdrawn their accreditation with CIAS-BAR does that mean the certificate is not valid or recognized, even though it was issued when they were CIAS-BAR accredited?
Accredited test or calibration or inspection certificates/reports issued by a laboratory or inspection body are valid if the laboratory or inspection body is accredited at the time of the testing/calibration/inspection. Accredited certificates issued by a certification body are only valid within 3 months of the date of withdrawal of the certification body from the CIAS-BARprogramme.
How do I become an assessor?
If you wish to express an interest in becoming an expert on the CIAS-BAR Register of Assessors you may forward your profile to and our team will guide you with further process, after thorough evaluation of your profile.